
World map

The only watchface that offers a dynamic world map and customizable fields.

The map displays user location, sun location, day/night areas, and sunset and sunrise times. Now you have an improved situational awareness.

International Space Station

The most complex achievement of humankind is now easy to spot. With customizable orbital period, you can see in advance when the station will fly over your location. Impress your family and friends!

Crew and cargo missions launches to the ISS are displayed on the map 24 hours prior to launch planned date. (Really!)

Highly customizable

13 fields are fully customizable. You like to track your activity with all possible metrics? You want every datapoint from the current weather? You follow stocks from NYSE?

Each field can combine data from 50+ data points from sensors, internet and date/time so you access all your relevant information at a glance – no touch-to-widget required.

Current weather

Weather provided based on user location.

An icon summarizes the weather, but you can also display textual information, temperature, wind speed and direction, pressure. All that with a 30-minute refresh rate.

The weather service also lets you display the city and country in which you are located, as well as the data “age”, to ensure information displayed is correct.


You follow stocks? You can display up to 3 different stocks on the screen. Just set the tickers in user settings.

Coming up soon will be an intraday graph for up to 2 different stocks.

Stocks and foreign exchange data available with 5 minute refresh.

Energy saving

Lower battery consumption by auto-switching to energy saving mode when not in use. Your watchface will display minimal information to save energy and as a result, your watch will have an increased battery life.

Quickly need the full display? Just put your watch in front of your face. This gesture is detected and displays the full watch face.

A future update will let users disable background processes (internet communication) at night.

Comprehensive user manual

Tailor your watchface to your needs, and take your Garmin watch to the next level!

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