Settings codes

Important change since version 1.4.4 (31 Jan 2021)
Prior to version 1.4.0, code delimiter was the + sign. From version 1.4.4, the delimiter is either the + (plus) sign or the * (star) sign.
Acceptable: 5+ +6+ +7
Acceptable: 5* *6* *7

What is a datapoint?

A datapoint is a piece of information that you can choose to display on any field of the watchface. For example, the temperature, the number of calories or the stock price are 3 different datapoints. You can also choose to display fixed text, like your name, on any field.

Inserting a datapoint or text in a field

In user settings, in any given field, input the Id number of the required datapoint (example: “2”). You can also insert fixed text instead (example: “Hello, WorldFace”).

Note: If you want to input fixed numbers (example: “12345”), you need at least one non-number character in that number string, such as a space (example: ” 12345″). Otherwise, the number string will be analyzed as a datapoint, not as fixed text.

Combining datapoints in a field

Concatenate datapoints using the operator “*”. You can concatenate both datapoints and fixed text as many times as required in any given field.


(what you want to see on your watchface)
(what you need to input in the field in user settings – do not input the quotes!)
Second clock
22 is code for the second clock
Mon 4 Feb
3* *5* *63 is week day, 5 is day and 6 is month. The * operator is used to separate codes and text. Spaces are used to separate the 3 datapoints so it doesn’t show “Mon4Feb”.
Temp: 35°
Temp: *17*6017 is for temperature and 60 is for the degree symbol. The degree symbol can’t be written with “°”, it has to be code 60 due to limitations of the Garmin system.
A fix text (Temp: ) is added and separated with the * operator.
T for TSLA stock, 325.7 is the price
20.01*21.420 is for stock ticker for the 1st ticker set in user settings. “20.01” will only show the first character (01 for the first character, 08 for 8 characters…).
21 is the stock price for the 1st ticker. “21.4” will show 4 significant numbers, so 325.7.
Mars 12’54
Light time to Mars
Mars *80The text “Mars ” is inserted first and then the code 80 represents the time it takes for light to go from Planet A to Planet B. Those two planets are set to Earth and Mars in user settings.


CategoryIdItemExample output
Clock1Main clock (not used)14:36
2Second clock (time zone)16:36
Date3Day of weekMon
4Day of week (all caps)MON
5Day of month4
6Month (word)Feb
7Month (word, all caps)FEB
8Month number2
9Year (4 numbers)2019
10Year (2 numbers)19
11Week number (attempt, number may be wrong depending on some settings)
Since 1.3.16
Health12Step count841
13Step goal1500
14Step percent to goal41
15Floor count4
16Floor goal15
17Floor percent to goal35
19Distance (unit: watch settings)0.31
Stocks20[.xx]Stock 1: Ticker
(xx is an optional two-digit number. It represents the number of characters to include of the ticker text, from 1 to 99. To set 5 characters, you need to write “20.05”. Only write “20” for the whole ticker text)
21[.x]Stock 1: Price
(x is an optional one-digit number. It represents the number of significant numbers of the Price, from 1 to 9. To set 4 significant numbers, you need to write “21.4”. Only write “21” to round to an integer)
22Stock 1: Age of data5m
23[.xx]Stock 2: Ticker
(see Stock 1 for details)
24[.x]Stock 2: Price
(see Stock 1 for details)
25Stock 2: Age of data 5m
26[.xx]Stock 3: Ticker
(see Stock 1 for details)
27[.x]Stock 3: Price
(see Stock 1 for details)
28Stock 3: Age of data 5m
Sensors30Altitude (unit: watch settings)1252
31Barometer pressure (unit: user settings)982
32Heart rate (bpm)64
33Heart icon
(not applicable to map bottom line field due to size)
34Internal temperature (unit: watch settings)14
(x is an optional one-digit number. It represents the number of significant numbers of the Latitude, from 1 to 9. To set 6 significant numbers, you need to write “42.6”. Only write “42” to round to an integer)
(x: Refer to Latitude)
Current weather*50Weather icon
(not applicable to map bottom line field due to size)
51Weather temperature (unit: watch settings)35
52Weather pressure at sea level (QNH)
(unit: user settings)
53Weather wind speed (unit: user setting)
54[.x]Weather wind direction
(x is an optional one-digit number. It represents the type of wind direction text.
54: numbers in degree (from 0 to 359)
54.1: cardinals 1 character (N, E, S, W)
54.2: cardinals up to 2 characters (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW)
54.3: cardinals up to 3 characters (NNE, ESE, etc…)
Since version 1.3.6
55[.xx]Weather text
(xx is an optional two-digit number. It represents the number of characters to include of the weather text, from 1 to 99. To set 12 characters, you need to write “55.12”. Only write “55” for the whole weather text)
56[.xx]City (reverse geocoded from Lat, Lon by weather service)
(xx: Refer to weather)
New York
57Country (reverse geocoded from Lat, Lon by weather service) US
58 Age of weather information15m
Units 60Degree symbol °
61Temperature unit (unit: watch settings)C
62Wind speed unit (unit: user settings) kt
63Altitude unit (unit: watch settings) m
64Pressure unit (unit: user settings) mb
65Distance unit (unit: watch settings)km
Forecast weather*70Weather icon
71Weather temperature (unit: watch settings) 35
72Weather pressure at sea level (QNH)
(unit: user settings)
73Weather wind speed (unit: user setting)8
76City (reverse geocoded from Lat, Lon by forecast service)New York
77Country (reverse geocoded from Lat, Lon by forecast service)US
78Time elapsed since last forecast data download4h
Space80Light time between planets
Set planet A and B in user settings
In light minutes’seconds (mm’ss)
Want to see the solar system map? Check this widget.
81Distance to ISS from user location
(in km or mi, unit: watch settings)
82Moon phase icon
Since version 1.3.6
Status90Application Version1.3.0
91Trial/Premium status
1. “Trial pending server” indicates that the watchface hasn’t yet been able to activate the trial period with the server. Get GPS position if this stays more than 30 minutes.
2. “Trial:3d” for example indicates 3 days are remaining in the trial period.
3. “Trial expired” indicates that the trial is expired. This message will disappear after 24 hours.
4. “Premium OK” indicates Premium is valid.
Premium OK
92Status icons (Bluetooth not connected, Do-not-disturb/Notifications, battery)
This will remove status icons from other parts of the screen.
Since 1.3.16
93Battery %
Since 1.3.16

*Current weather is only applicable to WorldFace. Forecast weather is only applicable to WeatherFace, another watchface currently only available for D2 Charlie devices. Forecast will be added to WorldFace if memory limitations are not exceeded.