My premium key isn’t recognized, still displays Trial or Trial expired

I set my premium key in settings, but the watchface still displays “Trial expired” or “Trial: x days”.

It may take up to 30 minutes (or even 24 hours if you have deselected weather and stocks) for the watch face to check in with the server. Your watch needs to be connected to the internet.

If the watchface still doesn’t activate, then contact info (at) julienslab (dot) com.

Weather / Stocks don’t appear despite entering keys

I purchased and entered my keys in user settings, but I can’t see the weather information (it just displays an empty field with a ° sign) or the stock information.

Follow the steps below to solve the issue. These steps resolved 99% of the cases in the past.

  1. Check that your location is identified by a red triangle on the map (see next FAQ item below to solve). This is needed for weather information.
  2. Check that your watch has internet connection (barred bluetooth icon should not be displayed, notifications should appear if that option is activated)
  3. Check that your keys and email are entered properly in user settings. There should be no extra space or characters in the key/email fields.
  4. If none of that works, some users reported that uninstalling and reinstalling the app solved the issue. (after reinstalling, wait up to 30 minutes for weather or 5 minutes for stocks if you have internet connection)
  5. If you still have an issue, contact developer: [info at julienslab dot com].

My user location isn’t displayed / GPS location is not detected

My user location isn’t displayed on the map with a red triangle. My GPS location is not detected by the watchface.

There are two ways to solve this: GPS and manual.

First way: GPS

  1. Go to any app or widget that uses GPS.
  2. Get a GPS fix.
  3. Once GPS fix is established, go back to WorldFace.
  4. A red triangle should appear at your location, to indicate that your location has been detected.

For some users, this will still not work. The following steps have managed to overcome this issue for some users:

  1. Go to any app or widget that uses GPS.
  2. Get a GPS fix.
  3. Once GPS fix is established, go back to WorldFace.
  4. Before WorldFace appears (it normally takes 2 seconds), press the down/up button to access the nearest widget.
  5. Once you reached the widget, go back to WorldFace.
  6. A red triangle should appear at your location, to indicate that your location has been detected.

Second way: Manual

  1. Go to user settings (by using Garmin Express on your laptop or Garmin’s app on your smartphone).
  2. Set “Location” to manual.
  3. Set “Latitude” and “Longitude” to the location of your choice.

User settings fail

There may be an issue combining Android/Apple Garmin Connect app and WorldFace. It could be that the large number of user settings make it unmanageable for Garmin Connect to pass the data without crashing.

The more recent Garmin app Connect IQ Store is designed specifically as an app market place, and seems to work normally with WorldFace.

Download Garmin Connect IQ Store: Android / Apple

Why the trouble of setting codes rather than simple drop-down menu?

Agreed, drop-down menus would be much more user-friendly. This solution was implemented initially. However, we got significant user feedback, requesting deeper customization options.

Setting codes appear to be the only technical solution that allows a very deep level of customization. Each of the 13 fields can be configured with any combination of the 50+ datapoints, plus any text. This gives more than 1000 combinations to choose from, as opposed to just 20 in the previous system.

Example for setting codes?

I don’t understand how settings codes work.

For example, the setting “Calories: +18” will display: “Calories: 2319” on the watch face, if the number of calories is 2319 at that time. This is because 18 is the code for Calories.

See other codes here.