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Version 1.3.16 released

Following feedback of several users with various devices, and especially Fenix 6 Pro Solar users, there has been several updates pushed in a short period of time, to remove bugs and add features.

  • Added datapoint 11 (weeknumber)
  • Added datapoint 93 (battery charge)
  • Reinstated datapoint 54.1 and 54.2 (that were removed temporarily for memory reasons).
  • Fixed bug related to stock price.
  • Fixed out-of-memory error that occurred on Fenix 6 Pro Solar (and any 280px screen watch).
  • Wind direction now NNE style (3 characters) in addition to NE (2 characters) and N (1 character).
  • Internal temperature can be selected as datapoint 34.
  • Distance fixed (now in km or miles as expected).

Future updates will come at a slower pace, and will be released in the Beta channel first to ensure stability.

It is increasingly difficult (if not impossible) to add more features because the memory limit of the program is reached and memory optimization has been carried out.

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